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  1. Klunok starts as root.
  2. Klunok parses command-line parameters.
  3. Klunok initializes a fanotify API handle.
  4. Klunok performs bind mounts if necessary.
  5. Klunok drops privileges, exits if cannot drop.
  6. Klunok parses Lua configuration.
  7. Klunok listens for fanotify events.

The only sensitive thing that is held by Klunok after it drops privileges is the stream of fanotify events. The events contain read-only open file descriptors of edited files and executable files of newly started applications. Therefore, Klunok monitors only the current working directory by default. This avoids receiving read-only file descriptors of, for example, /etc/shadow.

Best practices

Security policy

Please see

Static binary reproducibility

You can check that the distributed binary has been built from the source without modifications by reproducing the build locally with Nix. For example, let's verify that the v0.1.1 release has not been tampered with:

nix build github:Kharacternyk/klunok/v0.1.1#static
curl -Lo binary
cmp binary ./result/bin/klunok

The output of cmp must be empty.